Crochet Crazy

the blog

Crochet-Crazy (the blog)...

Here are the crochet ravings of me, the projects I do, and items related to the site. I apologise Im not a great blogger, I have good intentions but get easily side tracked, especially by my crochet hook.

February 2025


Posted By on January 25, 2011

So, scarf completed and donated to a worthy recipient – someone saw it and asked if they could have it, so, have it they have


New plans

Posted By on January 20, 2011

I have been asked to make a couple of things. They are still in the design phase.


This is a scarf, likely to end up around 40cm by 3m.. yes.. that was the size they want!


Background colour is to be decided, as is the size. At the moment thats around lap blanket size.

So, what do you think? The scarf is very me, I love cletic stuff, so, Im seriously into that scarf, sure, its bigger than I’d want it, but doesnt stop me thinking thats going to be a good scarf (Well, as I put it, banner!)

The blanket would be complex, but, I know the person who its for and its very them. Long as I can make it well and the way they want it, I’d be proud to make them it.


Posted By on January 16, 2011

I had 2 balls of wool, proper wool, so I started a scarf. I’m about half way through.

Crochet Master Class

Posted By on January 13, 2011

Crochet Master Class

I got this book.

Do NOT waste your money on it

Theres 190 pages, lots of pictures of stuff other people did, but only about 18 things to do, and none of them the nice ones as shown as examples. In short, it sounds like there should be so  much information but, for the most part its like looking at knitting patterns, flat words of “rnd 14: ch3, dc in same st as ch 3|: * work (3 dc, ch3, 3 dc) in nexy ch-3 sp, work (2 dc, ch3, 2dc) in next ch-3 sp; repeat from * around, ending 2dc in last ch-3 sp, ch3 join with a sl in top of beg ch-3 fasten off.”

While obviously we all see amazing stuff and want to see it, and all have to start with something simple, but, none of the projects are inspiring and few actually show hints at how a more complex one would work. It would be a little like taking the top 10 best selling books and showing you page 1 only of each with a picture of the cover, and a few pages on the author.. Great but doesnt help you necessarily get much jist of the story.

interlocking attempt 2

Posted By on January 10, 2011

So. I had another go. I got the pattern I tried for this time. I also didn’t start the way they said. But I wove the yellow in and out of the red which gives a much nicer start in my opinion. Again. Sorry for the phone camera pictures. Its easier and quicker for little things.

interlocking crochet

Posted By on January 9, 2011

So. I have to say. I didn’t do the pattern I was trying to do. It sounded simple on paper. But this wasn’t it. I can however see roughly where I went wrong. It was supposed to be a zigzag, this is actually a variant on one called bargello, eg, I got it wrong. Will have to practice.

I attach the front and back pictures as taken with my phone. It looks ok. I may do a blanket in one of the more interesting patterns assuming I can get the hang of the pattern

What to do..

Posted By on January 8, 2011

So, now I have finished sewing the ends in Petey’s blanket, I wonder what to make next. I did get me this

Interlocking Crochet: Techniques, Stitch Patterns and Projects


Which is a book about doublesided blankets, the premise is simple enough. May have to give it a go.

Peteys Blanket–6th Jan

Posted By on January 6, 2011

So, Ive been a bit lazy, Ive been trying to work out what border to do, so far, it has a thin edge of black to give it strength, I may add to it a little yet, but. All the main crochet is done, I have a gazillion ends to sew in (of course, sigh) but.. I struggled and its not a great photo, as its a bit big to lay on the floor with 3 dogs wanting to walk/sit/lie on it, so..



(sorry for dog toy and cables, and and and..)

Petey’s Blanket as of 1st Jan 2011

Posted By on January 2, 2011

So, I didnt post yesterdays, well if you wish to imagine, I was half way through the union jack. So. Here it is as of midnight 2nd Jan, eg I took the photo like 1ms before midnight.


I didnt trim this photo, it helps you with scale, theres Charlie posing in top left, a dog chew, my hook and of course a PC.. so, yep, its not a small lap blanket, now you have some idea of size. Its on par with my rug I note, so, if you can be bothered to find the rug on homebase’s website, you might have an idea of how big it is.  I have a little more of his helmet to do and then a big bunch of white to finish.. Followed by my most cherished part, the sewing of ends (urgh) and of course a border. I suck at borders, I never know what to do. I think Ive only done 1 border I would say I was proud of.

Petey’s Blanket as of 29th Dec

Posted By on December 30, 2010

Didnt get much done at all yesterday, sorry. But, heres an updated picture. Oh and I apologise, Maddie helped me spill some tea on it, so it needs a wash now too.. Sad smile


Now I get to start the complex bit, so this could go slowly.

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