Crochet Crazy

the blog

Crochet-Crazy (the blog)...

Here are the crochet ravings of me, the projects I do, and items related to the site. I apologise Im not a great blogger, I have good intentions but get easily side tracked, especially by my crochet hook.

February 2025

The other beekeeper quilt

Posted By on August 15, 2014

Yes. I’m making two. Mainly because I ordered yarn specifically to make this one and took advantage of some mini hanks, almost samples to make the other. Which I to intended to be smaller. This one I hope will be fairly big

Same pattern slightly finer yarn so smaller needles but oddly these seem to grow quicker.

I should have posted this over the last three days so

Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


I wasn’t expecting so much dark patches but nearly all the hanks have them so it must be weird lighting on the website but it will help hide any marks when in use later

Spinning a woollen yarn

Posted By on August 15, 2014

So. The technique for spinning a woollen yarn is known as long draw. To the rest of the world it’s more like an act of god. Why? Worsted spinning you grab a handful of fluff and like inch it out one treddle at a time. This is short draw. Long draw you basically set your wheel to do as many rotations as you can and treddle like mad and when you have way too much twist you pull your prepared fibre back while letting go if the twist and like voodoo the twist should travel up the releasing fibre and turn into nice looking single. It’s way quicker than short draw but at the same time it loves to bunch and if you have little fibre and twist it will fall apart or too much twist and your single snaps out if spite.

I succeeded in my first woollen spun bobbin.

Here you see my folate and part filled bobbin


Here’s my full bobbin ready to ply up and see how it really turned out


Day 5 owlet hexapuffs

Posted By on August 8, 2014

So after a short break due to injuring a muscle in my arm. I completed the last of my current skeins for hexapuffs.


Finally my box of hexapuffs as it stands


Day 4. Owlet hexapuffs

Posted By on August 4, 2014

A slightly more fruitful day. 4 more puffs for the collection.


Day 3 owlet hexapuffs

Posted By on August 3, 2014

Sadly I didn’t like the colour of the yarn. Too much like snot


I had great hopes for hexapuffs making until


Owlet hexapuffs

Posted By on August 2, 2014

Today I spent far too long unhanking and winding to little balls prelude to knitting. It felt like a monumental waste of time.


Of course this was also not aided by the ever helpful Maddie



World of wool

Posted By on August 1, 2014

FYI world of wool have a bonus on their sales over 50 pounds!

Starting my tiny owls beekeepers quilt

Posted By on August 1, 2014

I got some mini hanks.


Tiny owl knits beekeeper’s quilt

Posted By on August 1, 2014

Many of you may have heard of the beekeeper’s quilt from tiny owl

The instructions in her pattern are great, but, i wasnt so happy with the look of the hexapuff after. So, i stuck my logical brain on it..

Ok, principals of hexapuff

Cast on
Cast off

My alterations went as follows

For the cast on i used a modified judys magic cast on. It was modified as follows. Normally for this cast on you always wrap the needles from the outside to the middle, and then have to deal with the stitches on the second needle being mounted wrong. If you go from outside to inside on the nearest needle (which ends up as the first you knit) go from inside to outside with the furthest needle.. Why make life harder for yourself, now your stitches arent twisted.

Without giving tiny knits pattern away, i then added 1 round of knits as a setup as this balances the last row.

Then for the increase although a m1r and m1l should arguably be better, I altered the kfb to be a knit back then front on the right side, and normal kfb on the left.

I also then bound off with kitchener stitch. On the grounds its good practice and more over, its finally got into my head

When joining two pieces such as toe end or hexapuff heres a quick way yo think about it

Near side we see is knit, other side we see the purl side.. So

Purl the first knit, and leave it on
Knit the first purl and leave it on

Knit the knit, and pull it off
Purl the next knit and leave it on
Purl the first purl and pull it off
Knit the first purl and leave it on

Repeat 4 to 6 until you run out. Job done

My hexapuff looks like this



The judgement is in

Posted By on July 27, 2014

So, my yarn, all 210g, just over 7oz measures about 366.5m and comes proudly in at…. 14 wraps per inch, so is therefore a fingering weight yarn!!

Go me!


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