Crochet Crazy

the blog

Crochet-Crazy (the blog)...

Here are the crochet ravings of me, the projects I do, and items related to the site. I apologise Im not a great blogger, I have good intentions but get easily side tracked, especially by my crochet hook.

February 2025

the sock

Posted By on January 27, 2013

So. Here I am on a sock. I am making it from no pattern so I shouldn’t be surprised but. Its too small. Not by a lot. But its too small. So I’m going to have to undo it or give up and start again.

I’m annoyed because the last sock pattern I saw said 32 stitches. I have 42 so it should have been ok. Clearly the sock yarn they had was much bigger. Grr.

i must be stupid!

Posted By on January 26, 2013

I must be bonkers. It looks small but it does stretch. Knowing my luck. Too much. But without a pattern I’m going to make me a sock. Maybe 2!

Ha ha ha ha.

I suck at knitting!

evil blanket 2 completed!

Posted By on January 20, 2013

Tada. Only thing left is to sew in the made by me label! So. I hope I can hand this over tomorrow !

evil 2 contunes

Posted By on January 18, 2013

I thought I would post a context picture so this is it from my waist to my feet showing its nearly long enough!

Now Rachel Newman knows this is for her it gives her an idea how well I’m getting on. I’m just annoyed with myself for not finishing it before her operation and I would have if I had gone with my original idea too. Sigh. This grows so slow. Well with the snow it may grow a fair chunk this weekend

new wool!

Posted By on January 15, 2013

So. I’ve been meaning to do something like this for a while. I either wanted to do a pure wool cabled blanket or now I have found how to do the woven look entrelac that. So here it is. I got me some pure wool for the first time ever from which is a slow varigated yarn as you can see.

Now I need to stress that I have ends still to sew in Petey and Sue’s blanket and finish the second evil blanket. But I had to try the new wool right?

Hope you love it as much as me

evil number 2 contunes to grow!

Posted By on January 13, 2013

Not been as productive as I had hoped but its still grown. Its now about 33.5″ long!

Cracked it!!!!

Posted By on January 12, 2013

Ok. My one wish about entrelac was that I wanted it to end up looking woven. That basket weave effect. But as you may have seen in previous pictures normal tunisian entrelac works that there are 4 triangles pointing to the middle and any square you are working on in the given triangle all go in the same direction. Well. This doesn’t.

Its a bit more cumbersome as you have to join on the right and the singularly most important thing is. If you look where my hook is. Temptation says work up on that second square from the right in the correct direction.

Whatever you do. Above anything else. Do not do this. you must end a round on a going up square. Therefore the first square has to go from right to left. If you slipstitch to avoid ends across you can then start from the 3rd square from the right and work round and it all joins up.

I’m really elated. There seem to be no instructions for this on the internet anywhere. All show slightly simpler one which makes the triangles.

I’m so looking forward to making my first entrelac that’s done like this as I believe it will really combat any stretching issues

Evil number 2 continues

Posted By on January 12, 2013

Sadly I realise I should have measured it but I wanted to finish my book. Which I did. Was a good book. Started the next one now too.

Evil the update

Posted By on January 6, 2013

Only a short message today, no picture. Evil blanket grew to 23.5 inches today, so thats 2.5 never sounds like much does it.. sigh. I could have managed more, ,but had visitor, went out, bin chasing (long story) .. but it grew.. its only half inch of 2ft so its possibly nearly half way now!

Urgent calling all intelligent people!

Posted By on January 6, 2013

I posted this before but it was hard to see, this time you can see how it worked up and how the square on the 4 sides of a previous one, all go at 90 degrees to the one in the middle.. However..

OK, so below is a story board for a slightly different tunisian entrelac only, I get stuck as you can see 7 squares in.. why? Well see where the loop is, its got a square to the right of it, and beneath it, for the directionality.. now.. the idea is – according to Crochet Todays Jan/Feb edition, is fine until I get to this round, and I guess subsequent rounds, where you are either working out or across the previous squares, in that you cant work towards an existing square eg join at the top, because you cant.. you can only do bottom and/or left.. so..


So, given you can only do joins on left or bottom or both.. How in **** am I supposed to make this work.. Please help me!!!!


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