Crochet Crazy

the blog

Day 19. Tardis blanket crocheting complete!

| June 6, 2012

All I need to do now is sew in the ends and my tag and the tardis blanket is complete! Just in time for my crochet sock book to arrive tomorrow!

Tardis blanket day 18

| June 6, 2012

Day 18 of the tardis blanket. Less progress than hopedi initially as I went out for the evening. Also spotted another lost stitch done today. Sigh. I’m making mistakes either cos I’m coughing and losing count or something. Sigh

Tardis blanket day 17

| June 4, 2012

Today I found I had lost 2 stitches. So annoyed because it was doing so well as to not to have lost any. Both lost from the same place. Probably when moving the markers. I have re added them. But still. Annoyed

Tardis blanket day 16

| June 3, 2012

Day 16 of the tardis blanket sees me onto the small black windows. getting there!

Tardis blanket day 15

| June 2, 2012

Tardis blanket has grown again today. But not quite as much as I would like

Tardis blanket day 14

| May 31, 2012

Wasn’t too well today. But managed to get some crocheting done this evening

Tardis blanket day 13

| May 27, 2012

End of day 13 of the tunisian tardis blanket. It was a hot day today and under a blanket was not the place to be!

Tardis blanket day 12

| May 26, 2012

Work on the tardis blanket continues. Went out this evening and had errands during the day so not as much time as I hoped. Again.

Tardis blanket day 11

| May 23, 2012

The making of the tardis blanket continues slowly. You can just make out the handle starting

Tardis blanket day 10

| May 22, 2012

The making of the tardis blanket continues. I am very disappointed with progress today but I was distracted by a trip to the food store and my sky box thing arriving and it not supportting the wifi n type so causing a big issue on my network. Sigh. But here’s todays picture

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