Crochet Crazy

the blog

Crochet-Crazy (the blog)...

Here are the crochet ravings of me, the projects I do, and items related to the site. I apologise Im not a great blogger, I have good intentions but get easily side tracked, especially by my crochet hook.

February 2025

Plans – 2

Posted By on January 10, 2010

As Ive mentioned a few times, I intend to redo my blanket with darker diamonds, something like this

First set of plans

Posted By on January 9, 2010


As promised I have been doing some preliminary plans for my next bunch of blankets

Peter Morgan

Sue Morgan

Gregory Morgan

Charlie Morgan

A pulley! (Dont know if its Leanne or Hannah!)

Vicki Williams

So, I still have a couple to work on prelims for but, if you’re one of the above listed victims please EMAIL me (dont reply here, EMAIL) for ideas, corrections or changes.. You also need to consider the generic background colour you would want.

Jons blanket – completed

Posted By on January 9, 2010

Jon should be happy to hear I have finished sewing the ends of his blanket – I get a huge amount of joy of designing and crochetting blankets but for some reason the sewing in of the ends really really gets me, Ive done some blankets that had a lot of ends, the end sewing almost wrecks the blanket for me, however, Im now setting down to design the next bunch of patterns Im going to make.

I’ve a number to put together, and then work out what wool I need before I put in a monster order. I wish I was a little more decisive mind, I never can decide between landscape and portrait.. I have a set of 4 to do, and so far the first ones landscape but I dont think they would all look good landscape and Im unsure about doing a mix..


Will post them when Im done!

Black hat done!

Posted By on January 9, 2010

Well Im glad to report I completed the black hat, I of course forgot to take a photo before giving it to its new owner so I will try get one soon.

Da black hat!

Posted By on January 5, 2010

Tonight – in evading sewing ends (as its the only bit I hate about crochetting pretty patterns) I started a new winter hat.

As per last time its the pattern you find at this site

But this time its black!

Jons blanket – crochet complete!

Posted By on January 4, 2010

Once again I find myself apologising for the lack of updates along the way, however, by wee hours of sunday norning I had completed the crochet on Jons blanket. I had the border and end sewing todo. Well, I did the border, now I just got the ends to complete.. Hes how it came into being

So there you have it. Its about 5ft by 3.5ft.

Signed up for a magazine

Posted By on December 31, 2009

I subscribed to last year, it was a little disapointing but not hugely, so I have rescubscribed this year – although I swear Im missing an issue…

Ive now also signed up for this – now this has potential to be darn expensive – if you read the small print – as it basically says each month they will send you 4 things at 2.99 each, however, with that much coming out Im hoping for some more stitch insight.

Yes, I am looking forward to the free gifts! I bet they are a bit small for some of the things I do, as even the simple one Im doing right now was over 20 balls of wool on the go, but much as I could probably make most of their throw blanket without the tutorials (not wishing to blow my own trumpet) I hope to pick up some new stitches and ideas, and I hope from the ads I saw that the cover more than just standard crochet, but also do fillet and tunisian crochet plus, I can show off some of the things Ive made on their website – this kinda appeals to me as I have a backlog of blankets planned for the coming year – Ive already warned my wool supplier that I want a new colour card as the last ones out of date and I intend to be ordering a LOT of wool. Last order was 1500 balls of wool, this is gonna be more – especially as I no longer have a husband to whine about how much wool I have (Although if he could kindly get his stuff out my “Wool” room I would appreciate it..)

The missing blanket

Posted By on December 29, 2009

I mentioned a blanket I made for a christmas pressie but forgot to post a pic..

So, here you go!

Jonathans Blanket

Posted By on December 29, 2009

OK, my deepest apologies for not posting the daily pics much over christmas. I did take them, so here they are

There, the last one is as it was this morning .. sorry again

New blanket – Day 1

Posted By on December 23, 2009

So, I didnt announce whos blanket this was, but someone has correctly guessed by my hint that its a difficult colour to work with.

In short, black is a cow to work with en mas. Hence, I chose with this to do 5×5 blocks so I can keep track and not lose stitches, it also gives it a bit of texture which is fun, helps with counting too..

As you can see, Ive done around 15 rows there, so not much to see yet. This was the state at the end of 22nd Dec, (or first thing before starting 23rd)

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